Frequently asked questions

Some of the questions you might want to ask us are listed below, we don't know what you have in mind, but just incase it's not listed below, easily send us a mail or click on our livechat service below, like real below.Yes that pop up icon.

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From Africans to Africans

We are Designer Avocados in Africa, trying to bridge the gap between the diversity of Designers here and over there.

The tech Ecosystem is large

The emerging tech Ecosystem is large an really supportive, as much as we would love to also go into Designers, we are limited to focusing on software designers for now.

How we pick our 20 budding Designers for #Laptops4Designers

Although all our selections start with a one tweet pitch, we take this forward with an online assessment, followed by a phone interview and lastly, a physical interview.

It has to be

The purpose of a long selection process is to make sure as much as we can; the resources we provide are effectively utilized for this correct reason and in the right way.